Answers to practice exam questions

A1: Answer: D. A, B, and C are all true statements.
A2: Answer: B. The SELECT statement specifies only a single column heading, EMPNO. Specifying (SALARY + COMM) causes a second column of data to be included, but the data is derived and presented in a column with no heading.
A3: Answer: B. The other options are not valid.
A4: Answer: C. Options A and B are incorrect because the SELECT statement specifies only two columns of data, EMPNO and TOTAL_SAL. Data in the TOTAL_SAL column is derived from data in the SALARY and COMM columns, but the data in those columns is not to be included in the result. Option D is incorrect because the data is in EMPNO sequence, not in TOTAL_SAL sequence.
A5: Answer: D. The other options ...

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