714 office x for macintosh: the missing manual
formatting cell borders and color, 482–486
hiding, 521
manual formatting, 480–486
merging cells, 491–492
moving, 521
naming, 436
printing, 512–518
properties, 531
protecting cells, 485
renaming, 521
scrolling through sheet tabs, 521
selecting cells, 445–446
sharing, 522–524
size of, 436
types of data, 439–441
wrapping text
around graphics, 655–656
in Word, 160–163
in Word Web pages, 288
writing styles, Spelling and Grammar and, 89–90
Writing Toolbox, Project Gallery, 17
WYSIWYG (what-you-see also-is-what-you-get)
fonts, 112
styles, 144
XML (extensible markup language), exporting
Excel files, 530
XY (scatter) charts, 499
zooming Word documents, 36
worksheets (Excel)

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