index 709
Reveal Formatting option (Word), 124
reverse order printing in Word, 52
Rewrap Paragraphs (Entourage), 334
right arrow see also Æ (right arrow)
right tabs, 129
rotating drawings, 649–650
hiding in Excel, 482
inserting in Excel, 449
manipulating in Excel lists, 471–472
RSVPs (Calendar), 388
RTF (Rich Text Format), Paste Special command
and, 64
ruler (Word), 26
rules see also horizontal lines in Web pages
configuring for newsgroups, 368
email messages, 354
Save As dialog box (Word), 42
Save as Draft option, 353
Save dialog box
Carbonization and, 1
Web options, 302–303
Saved Searches, 21
Calendar as Web page, 390–393
custom views (searching), 425
email attachments, 342
saving in Word
AutoRecovery, 40
backups, 43
fast saves, 42–43
Save As dialog box, 41–42
Web pages, 301–304
scaling, printing in Word, 48
scatter charts in Excel, 499
scenarios in Excel, 549–551
Schedules window (Entourage), options, 320–
Calendar events, 384–385
email, 320
Scientific formatting (Format Cells dialog box),
scribble drawing feature, 645
Script menu, 431
scripts for Web sites, 432
scroll bar in Word, 26
scrollbars, Carbonization and, 1
scrolling text, Web pages, 285–286
scrolling through worksheet tabs, 521
Search dialog box (Word), 21, 22
searches see also find and replace
Advanced Find window, 424–425
Spelling and
Grammar (Word)
clip art, 640
Find Related command, 426
Find window, 423
overview, 422–423
saving custom views, 425
section breaks in Word, 150
section formatting in Word
page numbering, 139–140
section breaks, 137–138
security for master documents in Word, 224–225
cells in Excel, 445–446
data for charts in Excel, 501
drawing tools, 645
email messages, 330
identities at startup, 421
items in Notifications window, 399
multiple worksheets, 520
self-repair, 682–684
sending email, 318–320, 361
Service Release 1, 12
setup see also configuration
Setup Assistant
additional email accounts, 316–317
Entourage, 310–315
shading, 133–134
shadow text, 115
sheets, 1
shortcut keys, adding to Script menu, 431
Show Balloons command (Help), 685
Show pop-up menu, Project Gallery, 18
signatures (email), 356
site maps, Web page creation, 279
skins, Windows Media Player, 671
slide master (PowerPoint), 578
adding elements, 580
editing, 579
software requirements, 677
Solver (Excel), 551–552
Sort command (Excel Data menu), 553
sorting lists in Excel, 472–473
sound in Web pages, 292–293
space bar, word processing and, 25
spacing in Word, 121–124
spam (email)
avoiding, 360
filters, 348, 365
Special formatting (Format Cells dialog box), 489
Special menu, Word, find and replace operations,
Spelling and Grammar (Word), 36
checking all at once, 85–87
checking as you type, 83–85
custom dictionaries, 90–94

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