696 office x for macintosh: the missing manual
formatting Excel cells, 482–486
paragraph formatting, Word, 130–134
bound-book pages, headers/footers, 197
Browse Object, 26
browsers, viewing Entourage-generated Web
pages, 392
bubble charts, 500
bug fixes, Service Release 1, 12
built-in headings, TOC (Word), 242–244
bulleted lists, 117–121
Web pages, 289
email messages, 354
formatting in PowerPoint, 587–588
Add to Favorites button, Open dialog box, 22
Close button, Standard toolbar, 37
custom toolbar buttons, 6, 627
Find File button, Open dialog box, 21, 22
Navigator buttons (Word), 26
pop-up buttons, 9
Print button, Word Standard toolbar, 43
cable modems, Web page publishing and, 304
caches, clearing newsgroup, 367
calculations in Excel
dates and time, 440–441
fill handle, 444
formulas, 454–455
function iterations, 534
totaling numbers, 460–462
Calculator, creating formulas, 458–459
Calendar (Entourage), 375–393
adding appointments, 378–383
adding holidays, 389–390
adjusting event duration, 385
background graphics, 391
creating holidays, 390
deleting events, 386
editing events, 384
Entourage, 308
formatting dates, 380
Go to Today, 377
inserting hyperlinks, 382
overview, 375
posting online, 391
printing events, 385–386
receiving invitations, 387
recurring events, 381
reminders, 382
rescheduling events, 384–385
RSVPs, 388
saving as Web page, 390–393
sending invitations, 386–387
usefulness of, 378
viewing tasks, 396
views, 375–377
calendar icon (contacts), 415
calendar pop-up (Address Book), 406
capital letters, 115–116
captions in Word
AutoCaptioning, 238–239
deleting, 237
editing, 237
inserting, 235–236
text, 237
updating, 237–238
Carbonized Office programs, 1
Catalog view, Project Gallery, 16
categories in Calendar
assigning to items, 429–430
changing, 384
configuring, 429
overview, 428
Category list, Project Gallery, 17
Cc (carbon copy), 349
cells in Excel worksheets, 437 see also tables
absolute references, 464
changing size, 481–482
clearing contents, 450–451
formatting borders and color, 482–486
merging, 491–492
protecting, 485
relative references, 463
selecting, 445–446
centered tabs, 129
CGI (common gateway interface) scripts, forms
and, 300
change tracking in Excel, 522, 525–527
change tracking in Word, 181–182
accepting/rejecting, 186–187
comparing documents, 189
merging changes, 188
reviewing, 185–186
setup, 183–184
character formatting in Word see also formatting
All Caps, 115–116
colored text, 114
fonts, 110–113
hidden text, 116–117
lists, Word, 117–121
Small Caps, 115–116
special effects, 115
type styles, 113–114
character spacing in Word, 159
Chart (Microsoft), 659
charts and graphs see also Microsoft Chart;
Microsoft Graph; Microsoft Organization
index 697
adding to PowerPoint presentations, 595
charts and graphs in Excel
adding data series, 502–503
copying to other applications, 507
creating automatically, 512
data series, 496
error bars, 509–510
formatting options, 504–507
goal seeking scenarios, 548
overview, 494–495
placement, 503–504
selecting data, 495–496
selecting data for, 501
selecting styles, 496–501
transparency, 507–509
transparent, 4
trend lines, 510–512
charts in Word, 164
checking off tasks, 396
checking spelling, 430
circular references in Excel formulas, 533–534
citations, 198 see also footnotes/endnotes
Clear key, 71
Click and Type (Word), 94–95
Office 2001, 6
clicking the mouse, 8
@Cmd clicking, 8
clip art see also drawings; graphics
categories, 638
converting into drawings, 649
deleting, 638
in Excel, 494
gallery, 637
manipulating, 640
online resources, 638
properties, 639–640
searching for, 640
Clipboard, Office Clipboard, 3
Close button, Standard toolbar, 37
@Cmd-clicking the mouse, 8
collaboration, sharing Excel worksheets, 522–524
collapsing outlines in Word, 213–214
email messages, 354
formatting Excel cells, 482–486
hyperlinks, 300
Web pages, automatic color, 284
Color control (Formatting Palette), 484
color picker, 654
column charts in Excel, 497
Address Book, 402
breaks, 149
hiding in Excel, 482
inserting in Excel, 449
manipulating in Excel lists, 471–472
resizing in Entourage, 326
Standard toolbar, 150
Tasks module, 393
Word, 34
in Excel, 562–563
in Word, 179–181
comparing documents in Word, 189
compatibility, 5
importing or exporting contact information,
ODBC and Excel, 537
Compose tab (Entourage preferences), 370–372
composing email message body, 352–353
compressed files, 343
concordances, Word, 251 see also indexing
conditional formatting in Excel, 480
cone charts in Excel, 500
categories, 429
email accounts, 316–318
email and newsgroup preferences, 370–374
email message rules, 345–347
Entourage, 310–315
merging workbooks, 527–528
newsgroup accounts, 364–365
Office Notifications, 400
user accounts, 422
work week preferences (Calendar), 376
connections, downloading email and, 321
Consolidate command (Excel Data menu), 556–
contacts (Address Book), 403–407
creating groups, 408–409
editing, 408
exporting, 411
flagging, 412
importing, 409–411
Summary tab icons, 414–415
usefulness of, 412–413
using in Word, 412
contents see also Table of Contents
Contents properties in Excel, 531
copies of documents, opening, 20–21
Copy command
Office Clipboard and, 64
Word, 63–64
email folders, 337
in Excel, 447
Excel charts to other applications, 507
worksheets, 521
COUNT option (AutoSum function), 456
COUNT option
(AutoSum function)

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