Format Menu

This menu contains all of PowerPoint’s formatting commands, which let you manipulate fonts, text alignment and spacing, and colors. When you’re working with text, they work exactly the same as text formatting in Word (see Chapter 3).


Opens the Font tab of the Format Text dialog box, where you can set all kinds of font options for the currently selected text: the font, size, style, color, and effects. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-T.


Opens the Paragraph tab of the Format Text dialog box, giving you control over things like indentation, line spacing, and alignment.

Bullets and Numbering

Opens the “Bullets and Numbering” tab of the Format Text dialog box, where you can select a style for your bulleted or numbered items. You can also use this window to insert a picture or character of your own choosing to use as a bullet.


Opens the Columns tab of the Format Text dialog box, where you can choose the number of columns and the spacing between them.


Aligns the selected text in one of five ways: left, center, right, justified, or distributed.

Text Direction

Opens the Text Box tab of the Format Text dialog box, where you can set vertical alignment, text direction, autofit, and internal margins.

Change Case

Opens the Change Case window, where you can change the capitalization of the selected text: sentence case, lowercase, uppercase, title case, and toggle case.

Replace Fonts

Lets you replace one specified font in your presentation with a different font, globally, wherever ...

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