Format Menu

The Format menu gathers together all of the commands that you’re likely to use while altering the formatting of your sheets and workbooks.


Opens the Format Cells window, where you can choose all kinds of formatting options for the selected cells. This menu item changes to reflect the type of object is selected—Picture, Object, WordArt, or AutoShape—and then opens the appropriate Format window. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-1.


This menu has four options that govern the appearance of the selected row or rows:

  • Height. Opens the Row Height window, where you can set the height of the selected row or rows in pixels. If a worksheet is protected, this option is unavailable.

  • AutoFit. Makes the selected row precisely as high as it needs to be to accommodate the tallest text in the row. Measured in pixels.

  • Hide. Hides the selected row or rows from view (it doesn’t delete them).

  • Unhide. Reveals any hidden rows.


Like its sibling menu item, Format → Row, this menu has five options that let you edit the appearance of the selected column or columns:

  • Width. Opens the column width window, where you can set the width of the selected column or columns (measured in characters).

  • AutoFit Selection. Makes the selected column precisely as wide as it needs to be to accommodate the longest text in the column. Measured in characters.

  • Hide. Hides the selected column or columns from view.

  • Unhide. Reveals any hidden columns.

  • Standard Width. Resets the selected column or columns to the original setting.

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