Creating tblContacts

Working with the different data types (plus the Lookup Wizard), you should be ready to create the final working copy of our example, tblContacts. When creating the table, you must add a field that is used to link this table to two other tables (tblSales and tblContactLog) in the Access Auto Auctions application.

AutoNumber fields and Access

Access gives special considerations to AutoNumber fields and assigning values to AutoNumber fields. You cannot change a previously defined field from another type to AutoNumber. If you try to change an existing field in a table to the AutoNumber field type, Access displays a Control can't be edited: It's bound to AutoNumber field "ContactID" error in the status bar (the exact error you see will differ, of course, depending on which field is designated as the AutoNumber).

Completing tblContacts

With tblContacts in Design view, you’re now ready to create or modify all the fields of tblContacts. Table 34-1, earlier in this chapter, shows the completed field definitions for tblContacts. If you’re following the examples, you should be able to complete the table design. Enter the field names and data types exactly as shown. You may also need to rearrange some of the fields. The next few pages explain how to change existing fields (which includes rearranging the field order, changing a field name, and deleting a field).

Here are the steps for adding fields to a table structure:

Place the cursor in the Field Name column in ...

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