Loops – t-foreach

A block of HTML can be repeated by iterating through a loop. We can use it to add the avatars of the task followers to the task's Kanban card.

Let's start by rendering just the partner IDs of the task, as follows:

<t t-foreach="record.message_partner_ids.raw_value" t-as="rec"> 
  <t t-esc="rec" />; 

The t-foreach directive accepts a JavaScript expression evaluating to a collection to iterate. In most cases, this will be just the name of a to-many relation field. It is used with a t-as directive to set the name to be used to refer to each item in the iteration.

The t-esc directive used next evaluates the provided expression, just the rec variable name in this case, and renders it as safely escaped HTML.

In the previous ...

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