Testing business logic

Now we should add tests for the business logic. Ideally, we want every line of code to be covered by at least one test case. In tests/test_todo.py, add a few more lines of code to the test_create() method:

    def test_clear_done(self):         "Clear Done sets Todo to not active"         Todo = self.env['todo.task']         task = Todo.create({'name': 'Test Task'})        task.do_clear_done()        self.assertFalse(task.active) 

It is recommended to, as much as possible, write a different test case for each action to check. This test case begins in a similar way to the previous one: by creating a new To-Do task. This is needed because test cases are independent, and the data created or changed during one test case is rolled back when it ends. We then ...

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