Calendar views

As the name suggests, this view type presents the records in a calendar that can be viewed for  month, week, or days periods of time. A calendar view for the To-Do Tasks could look like this:

<record id="view_calendar_todo_task" model="ir.ui.view"> 
  <field name="model">todo.task</field> 
  <field name="arch" type="xml"> 
    <calendar date_start="date_deadline" color="user_id" 
      display="[name], Stage [stage_id]" > 
      <!-- Fields used for the display text --> 
      <field name="name" /> 
      <field name="stage_id" /> 

The calendar attributes are:

  • date_start is the field for the start date. Mandatory.
  • date_end is the field for the end date. Optional.
  • date_delay is the field with the duration in days, that can be used instead of ...

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