
Image A, B

Application development

class, 1922

console, 46

custom class

class method, 1618

creation, 79

instance method, 1819

iOS application

attributes, 36

creation, 3536

delegation, 4548

picker view, 48

simulator, 40

target-action, 4044

templates, 35

user controls, 44

Xcode, 3440

Mac application

application settings, 32

attributes, 3233

delegatation, 22

method execution, 30

templates, 3031

user controls, 2630

web-based, terminal application, 2225

Xcode, 3034

NSLog, 46

property assessors

@synthesize, 1416

attributes, 10

code, 913

terminal command, 24

Aggregate information, key paths

@distinctUnionOfObjects operators, 311

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