Large number of applications will require an object of type person.

class Person

    { private :      string20 name;      int age    public:      Person() ;      Person( string name1, int age1);      void init( string name1, int age1);      void show();  } ;

class Player : public Person

    { Private :      int runs;      static string logo ;    public:      Player();      Player(string name1, int age1 ,int runs1 );      void init(string name1, int age1 ,int runs1 );      void show() ;  }

class Student : public Person

    { private :      int rollnum ;      int marks;  public:      Student();      void init(string name1, int age1 ,int rn1 , int marks1 );      void show();  };

Basically class employee can be derived from class person. ...

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