Chapter 7, The Browser Environment

Lets practice the following exercise:


  1. The title clock program is as follows:
            setInterval(function () { 
              document.title = new Date().toTimeString(); 
            }, 1000); 
  2. To animate resizing of a 200 x 200 pop up to 400 x 400, use the following code:
            var w = 
                '', 'my', 
                 'width = 200, height = 200'); 
            var i = setInterval((function () { 
              var size = 200; 
              return function () { 
                size += 5; 
                w.resizeTo(size, size); 
                if (size === 400) { 
            }()), 100); 

    Every 100 ms (1/10th of a second) the pop-up size increases by five pixels. You keep a reference to the interval i so you can clear it once done. The variable size tracks the pop-up size (and why not keep it private inside a closure). ...

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