Appendix A. Heuristics Summary

Chapter 2 Classes and Objects: The Building Blocks of the Object-Oriented Paradigm

Heuristic 2.1All data should be hidden within its class.

Heuristic 2.2Users of a class must be dependent on its public interface, but a class should not be dependent on its users.

Heuristic 2.3Minimize the number of messages in the protocol of a class.

Heuristic 2.4Implement a minimal public interface that all classes understand [e.g., operations such as copy (deep versus shallow), equality testing, pretty printing, parsing from an ASCII description, etc.].

Heuristic 2.5Do not put implementation details such as common-code private functions into the public interface of a class.

Heuristic 2.6Do not clutter the public interface ...

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