Time for action – drawing Lissajous curves

The Lissajous figures are determined by four parameters: A, B, a, and b. Let's set A and B to 1 for simplicity:

  1. Initialize t with the linspace() function from -pi to pi with 201 points:
    a = 9
    b = 8
    t = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 201)
  2. Calculate x with the sin() function and np.pi:
    x = np.sin(a * t + np.pi/2)
  3. Calculate y with the sin() function:
    y = np.sin(b * t)
  4. Plot as shown in the following:
    plt.plot(x, y)
    plt.title('Lissajous curves')

    The result for a = 9 and b = 8 is as follows:

    Time for action – drawing Lissajous curves

What just happened?

We plotted the Lissajous curve with the aforementioned parametric equations where A=B=1, ...

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