
(t,s)-center, 690–691, 693–694, 700
4th-order methods: King’s family, 94


Aitken’s method, 116
Regula Falsi, 119
Abel, xiii
Accuracy required, xvi
Adomian Decomposition, 280–282
Al Khwarismi, xiii
basic, 640, 678, 702
relative width of, 643, 686, 709–710
splitting over, 643
Approximation, xvii
Arithmetic Mean Newton’s Method, 291–292
Arithmetic time, 633–636, 701–702
Asymptotic constant, 122–123


Babylonians, xiii
Bairstow’s method, 504–509
complex roots, 515
convergence, 504–505
generalizations, 509–514
multiple factors, 514–515
rounding errors, 506
simultaneous version, 507–508
stopping criteria, 506–507
Bernoulli’s method, xiii
2nd highest root, 387
acceleration, 387–394
Aitken’s version, 387–394
complex roots, 385–387
convergence, ...

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