

& (ampersand), 98–99

* (asterisk), 63–64

‘(backquotes), 71–72

\ (backslash), 62, 69, 73

[] (brackets), 64–65

: (colon), 66, 114, 120

!! command, 73

– (dash), 204

.. (double period), 83

“(double quotes), 71–72

> (greater-than sign), 70, 89

< (less-than sign), 75, 89

. (period), 83, 174

| (pipe), 63, 107

? (question mark), 63–64, 118

/ (root) directory, 174

; (semicolon), 63

‘(single quotes), 71–72

/ (slash), 118

~ (tilde), 110

$ variable, 70

$! variable, 70

$$ variable, 70

$? variable, 70


absolute addressing, 84–86

accept command, 163

Access Control Lists (ACLs), 209–210

access times (files), 229

accounts (user). See also groups

creating, 19

/etc/passwd file, 249–251

/etc/shadow file, 251–254

/etc/skel file, 254

passwd command, ...

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