

ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable) transactions, 19

in column-family databases, 109

in graph databases, 28, 50, 114115

in relational databases, 10, 26

vs. BASE, 56

ad banners, 108109

aggregate-oriented databases, 14, 1923, 147

atomic updates in, 50, 61

disadvantages of, 30

no ACID transactions in, 50

performance of, 149

vs. graph databases, 28

aggregates, 1423

changing structure of, 98, 132

modeling, 31

real-time analytics with, 33

updating, 26

agile methods, 123

Amazon, 9

See also DynamoDB, SimpleDB


counting website visitors for, 108

of historic information, 144

real-time, 33, 98

Apache Pig language, 76

Apache ZooKeeper library, 104, 115

application databases, 7, 146

updating materialized views in, 31

arcs ...

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