
  1. .C
  2. .Call
  3. .External
  4. .Fortran
  5. 1D minimizer, see minimization
    1. one dimensional
  6. 1D roots, see roots
    1. one dimensional
  7. 6–12 potential, see Lennard-Jones potential
  9. acknowledgements
  10. active set
    1. see constraint
      1. active set
  11. AD, see automatic differentiation
  12. AD Model Builder, see ADMB
  13. adagio
  14. ADMB
    1. phases (fixed parameters)
  15. alabama
  16. algorithm
    1. controls for
  17. Anstee R
  18. approximate and descend
  19. approximation problem
  20. argument
  21. auglag()
  22. automatic differentiation, Automatic Differentiation Model Builder, see ADMB CRAN
  23. axial search
  25. barrier function
    1. logarithmic
  26. BASIC
  27. Bates D
  28. Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling, see BUGS Markow chain Monte Carlo,
  29. BB
  30. bbmle
  31. Beale–Sorenson method
  32. bell-shaped curve
  33. BFGS
  34. BFGS update
  35. binomial theorem
  36. bisection
  37. bobyqa()
  38. Bolker B
  39. Bolstad J
  40. Borchers H W
  41. bounds, see constraint
  42. box constraint, see constraint
    1. bounds
  43. Box G.
  44. Brent R
  45. Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno update, see BFGS,
  46. BUGS
  47. byte-code compiler
  49. C
  50. Canada Interest Act
  51. Cauchy A-L
  52. centering
  53. CG
  54. CG, see conjugate gradients
  55. checking computations
  56. checks
    1. software
  57. classification
    1. problems
  58. Cobb–Douglas production function
  59. coef()
  60. codecoef()
  61. coefficient, see parameters
  62. coefficients
    1. extracting from solution
  63. COIN-OR
  64. compiler
  65. Comprehensive R Archive Network
  66. computable function
  67. computational efficiency, see efficiency
    1. computational
  68. computational performance, see performance
  69. confidentiality problem
  70. conjugate gradients
  71. Conn A
  72. constraint
    1. active set
    2. bounds
    3. equality
      1. elimination
      2. penalty method ...

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