Cleaning up the delete-note window

The window used to verify the desire to delete a Note doesn't look bad, but it can be improved.

Edit views/notedestroy.hbs to contain the following:

<form method='POST' action='/notes/destroy/confirm'>  <div class="container-fluid">    <input type='hidden' name='notekey' value='{{#if note}}{{notekey}}{{/if}}'>    <p class="form-text">Delete {{note.title}}?</p>    <div class="btn-group">      <button type="submit" value='DELETE'               class="btn btn-outline-dark">DELETE</button>      <a class="btn btn-outline-dark"               href="/notes/view?key={{#if note}}{{notekey}}{{/if}}"               role="button">         Cancel</a>    </div>  </div></form>

We've reworked everything to use Bootstrap form goodness. The question about deleting the Note is wrapped with class="form-text" ...

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