Adding HTTPS support to Notes

Now that we have a process to register with Let's Encrypt, and renew the SSL certificates we receive, let's look at adding HTTPS support to the Notes application. The task is fairly simple since the Node.js platform provides an HTTPS server alongside the HTTP server object we've used all along.

We'll require these changes to notes/app.mjs:

import http from 'http';import https from 'https';...const USEHTTPS = process.env.NOTES_USE_HTTPS          && (typeof process.env.NOTES_USE_HTTPS === 'string')          && (process.env.NOTES_USE_HTTPS === 'true');const CERTSDIR = process.env.NOTES_CERTS_DIR;const options = USEHTTPS ? {  key: fs.readFileSync(`${CERTSDIR}/privkey1.pem`),  cert: fs.readFileSync(`${CERTSDIR}/fullchain1.pem`), ca: ...

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