Running the Notes application with user authentication

Now we're ready to run the Notes application and try our hand at logging in and out.

We need to change the scripts section of package.json as follows:

"scripts": {    "start": "DEBUG=notes:* SEQUELIZE_CONNECT=models/sequelize-sqlite.yaml NOTES_MODEL=sequelize USER_SERVICE_URL=http://localhost:3333 node --experimental-modules ./bin/www.mjs",    "dl-minty": "mkdir -p minty && npm run dl-minty-css && npm run dl-    minty-min-css",    "dl-minty-css": "wget     -O minty/bootstrap.css",    "dl-minty-min-css": "wget -O minty/bootstrap.min.css"},

In the previous chapters, we built up quite a few combinations of models ...

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