Changing the note view template for real-time action

As we did earlier, in order to make these events visible to the user, we must not only add client code to the template, views/noteview.hbs; we need a couple of small changes to the template:

<div class="container-fluid">    <div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12">        {{#if note}}<h3 id="notetitle">{{ note.title }}</h3>{{/if}}        {{#if note}}<div id="notebody">{{ note.body }}</div>{{/if}}        <p>Key: {{ notekey }}</p>    </div></div>    {{#if user }}    {{#if notekey }}        <div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12">        <div class="btn-group">            <a class="btn btn-outline-dark"                 href="/notes/destroy?key={{notekey}}"                 role="button">Delete</a>            <a cl e template, views/noteview.hb  ass="btn btn-outline-dark"  href="/notes/edit?key={{notekey}}" ...

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