Implementing an Elasticsearch Query Command

Now that the documents are in the index, we can start querying for them. First we’ll take a look around using the existing get command, and then we’ll implement a specific command just for querying.

The Elasticsearch API endpoint we want to hit is /_search. We can already hit this endpoint using the get command. Let’s try that now.

​ ​$ ​​./esclu​​ ​​get​​ ​​'_search'​​ ​​|​​ ​​jq​​ ​​'.'​​ ​​|​​ ​​head​​ ​​-n​​ ​​20​
​ {
​  "took": 3,
​  "timed_out": false,
​  "_shards": {
​  "total": 5,
​  "successful": 5,
​  "failed": 0
​  },
​  "hits": {
​  "total": 53212,
​  "max_score": 1,
​  "hits": ...

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