Shaping JSON with jq

jq is a command-line program for querying and manipulating JSON objects. Technically speaking, it’s not a Node.js thing, but it’s so useful for working with JSON (and JSON is so prevalent in Node.js development) that it’s absolutely worth knowing. You’ll be a better developer knowing how to use jq to explore and manipulate your JSON data.

You can find instructions for downloading and installing jq on the jq website,[56] or use the package manager of your choice. Once you have it installed, you should be able to see the version number on the command line if you run it with the -V option.

​ ​$ ​​jq​​ ​​-V​
​ jq-1.5-1-a5b5cbe

The examples in this book assume you’re using version 1.5.x.

jq reads ...

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