Adding the Gallery script

As we can see, the default Keystone.js theme is very simple and uses only the Bootstrap framework. Now we will use a jQuery plugin called Fancybox to apply a new style in our gallery.


You can get more information about Fancybox at the official website:

  1. Open templates/themes/newBlog/layouts/default.swig and add the following highlighted code inside the head tag:
          {# Customise the stylesheet for your site by editing
           /public/styles/site.sass #} 
          <link href="/styles/site.css" rel="stylesheet"> 
          <!-- fancyBox --> 
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="//
            /fancybox/2.1.5/jquery.fancybox.min.css" media="screen"> {# This file provides the default styling for the KeystoneJS Content Editor ...

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