Understanding Geospatial indexes on MongoDB

Starting from version 2.4 of MongoDB, we have the Geospatial search feature using GeoJSON format.


You can find more information about GeoJSON at the official link: http://geojson.org/.

GeoJSON is an open source specification for formatting shapes in coordinates. It is widely used and very useful for making applications with geographical data. The format is pretty simple, and we used this format on the locations model, as you can see:

var LocationSchema = new Schema({ 
  title: String, 
  coordinates: { 
    type: [Number], 
    index: '2dsphere' 
  created: { 
    type: Date, 
    default: Date.now 

The highlighted code is the GeoJSON format to store coordinates.


You can read more about Geospatial query on MongoDB here: ...

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