Creating the .env.js file

At this point, we will create the env.js file; this file verifies the configurations of the Cloudinary service. Create a file called env.js inside the config folder and place the following code:

// get Env variable / cloudinary 
module.exports = function(app, configEnv) { 
    var dotenv = require('dotenv'); 
    var cloudinary = require('cloudinary').v2; 
    // Log some messages on Terminal 
    if ( typeof(process.env.CLOUDINARY_URL) == 'undefined' ){ 
      console.log('Cloudinary config file is not defined'); 
      console.log('Setup CLOUDINARY_URL or use dotenv mdule file') 
    } else { 
      console.log('Cloudinary config, successfully used:'); 

Now we have a fully configured application; however, we still ...

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