Adding baseline configuration files

Now let's add some of useful files to our project:

  1. Create a file called .editorconfig and save it in the chapter-03 folder with the following code:
          root = true 
          indent_style = tab 
          indent_size = 4 
          charset = utf-8 
          trim_trailing_whitespace = true 
          insert_final_newline = true 
          trim_trailing_whitespace = false 
  2. Create a file called .gitignore, save it in chapter-03, and include the following code:
     # Logs logs *.log # Runtime data pids *.pid *.seed # Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover lib-cov # Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul coverage # Grunt intermediate storage ( .grunt # node-waf configuration ...

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