Refactoring the views folder

As we did before, let's change the views folder to the following new structure:


  • pages/
  • partials/
  1. Remove the default jade files form views folder.
  2. Create a file called layout.html inside the pages folder and place the following code:
          <!DOCTYPE html> 
              {% block content %} 
              {% endblock %} 
  3. Create an index.html inside the views/pages folder and place the following code:
          {% extends 'layout.html' %} 
          {% block title %}{% endblock %} 
          {% block content %} 
          <h1>{{ title }}</h1> 
              Welcome to {{ title }} 
          {% endblock %} 
  4. Create an error.html page inside the views/pages folder and place the following code:
     {% extends 'layout.html' %} {% block title %}{% endblock %} {% block content %} <div ...

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