Refactoring the app.js file with the new middleware

At this time, we have to do a major restructuring of the app.js file to include the new middleware that we will use.

We will show you step by step how to include each middleware and at the end, we will see the complete file:

  1. Open app.js and add the following lines before var app = express():
          // ODM With Mongoose 
          var mongoose = require('mongoose'); 
          // Modules to store session 
          var session    = require('express-session'); 
          var MongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(session); 
          // Import Passport and Warning flash modules 
          var passport = require('passport'); 
          var flash = require('connect-flash'); 

    This is a simple import process.

  2. Add the following lines after app.set('view ...

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