Changing the application's structure

Let's make some changes to the structure of directories in our application and prepare it to follow the Model-View-Controller design pattern.

I will list the necessary steps for this refactoring:

  1. Inside the root project folder:
    • Create a new folder called server
  2. Inside the server folder:
    •  Create a new folder called config
    •  Create a new folder called routes
    • Create a new folder called views.
  3. Do not worry about the config folder at this point; we will insert its contents later.
  4. Now we need to move the error.js and index.js files from the chapter-01/views folder to the chapter-01/server/views folder.
  5. Move the index.js and user.js files from the chapter-01/routes folder to the chapter-01/server/routes folder.
  6. A very simple ...

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