Listing MySQL users

MySQL servers support granular access to databases, meaning that there could be several users in a single installation.

This recipe shows how to use Nmap to enumerate users in MySQL servers.

How to do it...

Open a terminal and type the following command:

$ nmap -p3306 --script mysql-users --script-args mysqluser=<user>,mysqlpass=<pass> <target>

A list of usernames will be included in the mysql-users section:

3306/tcp open  mysql
| mysql-users:  
|   root
|   crm
|   web
|_  admin 

How it works...

The argument -p3306 --script mysql-users --script-args mysqluser=<user>,mysqlpass=<pass> makes Nmap launch the script mysql-users if a MySQL server is found on port 3306.

The script mysql-users was submitted by Patrik Karlsson and it enumerates ...

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