Discovering hosts using broadcast pings

Broadcast pings send ICMP echo requests to the local broadcast address, and even if they do not work all the time, they are a nice way of discovering hosts in a network without sending probes to the other hsts.

This recipe describes how to discover new hosts with a broadcast ping using Nmap NSE.

How to do it...

Open your terminal and type the following command:

# nmap --script broadcast-ping 

You should see the list of hosts that responded to the broadcast ping:

Pre-scan script results: 
| broadcast-ping: 
|   IP:  MAC: 08:00:27:16:4f:71 
|   IP:  MAC: 40:25:c2:3f:c7:24 
|_  Use --script-args=newtargets to add the results as targets 
WARNING: No targets were specified, so 0 hosts scanned. ...

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