
additive primary colors

The red, green, and blue hues that are used alone or in combination to create all other colors that you capture with a digital camera, view on a computer monitor, or work with in an image-editing program, such as Photoshop. See also CMYK color model.

AE/AF lock

A control on the D200 that lets you lock the current autoexposure and/or autofocus settings prior to taking a picture, freeing you from having to hold the shutter release partially depressed, although you must depress and hold the shutter release partially to apply the feature.

ambient lighting

Diffuse, non-directional lighting that doesn't appear to come from a specific source but, rather, bounces off walls, ceilings, and other objects in the scene when a picture is taken.

analog/digital converter

The electronics built into a camera that convert the analog information captured by the sensor into digital bits that can be stored as an image bitmap.

angle of view

The area of a scene that a lens can capture, determined by the focal length of the lens. Lenses with a shorter focal length have a wider angle of view than lenses with a longer focal length.


A process that smoothes the look of rough edges in images (called jaggies or staircasing) by adding partially transparent pixels along the boundaries of diagonal lines that are merged into a smoother line by our eyes. See also jaggies.

Aperture Priority

A camera setting that enables you to specify the lens opening or f-stop that you want to use, with ...

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