Updating the database

It's usually required to update your database if mappings for your application have changed. In this recipe, we'll generate a SQL script to update your database objects.

Getting ready

Complete the Configuring NHibernate with App.config or Web.config recipe at the beginning of this chapter.


This recipe works for any RDBMS supported by NHibernate. To use a different system, adjust your connection string and dialect accordingly.

How to do it...

  1. Open Program.cs.
  2. Add these using statements to the beginning of the file:
    using Eg.Core;
    using NHibernate.Mapping.ByCode; 
    using NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl;
  3. Modify the Main method to look similar to this:
    var nhConfig = new Configuration().Configure(); var mapper = new ConventionModelMapper(); ...

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