Running a Next.js production build

Next.js supports two kinds of production usage, static and dynamic, the main difference being that a static build can be served by any static HTTP server as a static website, whereas dynamic usage means that there will be a Next.js server that executes the production build:

  1. Static mode is best suited for simple websites with no dynamic content. We need to add a script to package.json:
      {        "scripts": {         "build": "next build",         "static": "next export"       }     }
  1. Then, we have to add a next.config.js with a path map (this was fixed in 6.0.0; you no longer have to do it for 1-1 matches of filesystems and URLs):
      // next.config.js      module.exports = {          exportPathMap: () => ({              '/': {page: '/'}          })      };
  1. Now, we run this: ...

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