New Supervisor Training

Book description

Help new and experienced supervisors make the transition from individual contributor to leader with ready made training tools and materials in this practical, hands-on guide. With sections on interactive training and evaluation and improving new supervisor training, you'll put your workshop program at the top of the most wanted list.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. The ASTD Trainer’s WorkShop Series
  3. Preface
  4. Introduction: How to Use This Book Effectively
    1. Realities of Training New Supervisors
    2. The Top 10 Mistakes Made by New Supervisors
    3. How to Use This Workbook Most Effectively
    4. What This Workbook Includes
    5. Icons
  5. Assessing the Learning Needs of New Supervisors
    1. Methods for Needs Assessment
    2. General Warnings and Caveats
    3. Two Key Resources for Needs Assessment
    4. Using Focus Groups to Assess Training Needs
  6. Designing Interactive Training for New Supervisors
    1. Principles of Adult Learning
    2. Using the Sample Designs to Create Successful Trainings
    3. Tips on Designing Effective Training for New Supervisors
  7. Facilitating New Supervisor Training
    1. What Is a Facilitator?
    2. Experiential Learning
    3. Debriefing Experiential Learning
    4. Creating the Learning Environment
    5. What to Do Next
  8. Evaluating and Improving New Supervisor Training
    1. Why Bother Evaluating?
    2. The Classic Levels of Training Evaluation
    3. Instruments for Evaluation in This Workbook
    4. Improving Training for New Supervisors
    5. What to Do Next
  9. New Supervisor Training for Individuals and Small Groups (1–2½ Hours)
    1. Individual Training
    2. Small Group Training
  10. Half-Day Session (4 Hours)
    1. Half-Day Training Sessions
    2. Half-Day Agenda One
    3. Half-Day Agenda Two
    4. Half-Day Agenda Three
  11. Full-Day Session (6–8 Hours)
    1. Objectives
    2. When to Use a Full-Day Training Session
    3. Choosing the Content
    4. Step-By-Step Preparation and Delivery
    5. Full-Day Agenda One
    6. Full-Day Agenda Two
  12. Multi-Day Session
    1. Objectives
    2. When to Use a Multi-Day Training Session
    3. Choosing the Content
    4. Step-By-Step Preparation and Delivery
    5. Sample Agenda
  13. Content Modules
    1. Using Content Modules
    2. Modules Presented
    3. Coaching Module (75 minutes)
    4. Delegation Module (50 minutes)
    5. Learning Opportunities Module (45 minutes)
    6. Learning Partners Module (15–60 minutes, depending on number of participants)
    7. Legal Issues Module (90 minutes)
    8. Motivation Module (75 minutes)
    9. Teamwork Module (2¼-4¼ hours)
    10. Visioning Module (90 minutes)
  14. Training Instruments and Tools
    1. Training Instruments and Tools
    2. Instruments and Tools Presented
    3. Instrument 11-1: Trainer Competencies
    4. Tool 11-1: Trainer’s Action Plan for Professional Improvement
    5. Instrument 11-2: Structured Interview Protocol for Assessing the Learning Needs of New Supervisors
    6. Instrument 11-3: Self-Assessment for New Supervisors
    7. Tool 11-2: New Supervisor’s Action Plan for Self-Improvement
    8. Instrument 11-4: Labor Law for New Supervisors
    9. Instrument 11-5: Coaching Skills and Practices Assessment
    10. Tool 11-3: Action Plan for Self-Improvement in Coaching Skills
    11. Instrument 11-6: Supervisor Training Follow-Up Assessment
  15. Structured Experiences
    1. Structured Experiences Presented
    2. Structured Experience 12-1: Alpha Beta
    3. Structured Experience 12-2: Balloon Sculpture
    4. Structured Experience 12-3: Caterpillar Race
    5. Structured Experience 12-4: Distance Teaming
    6. Structured Experience 12-5: Federal Reserve
    7. Structured Experience 12-6: Paper Tower
    8. Structured Experience 12-7: Peer Feedback
  16. Appendix: Using the Compact Disc
    1. Contents of the CD
    2. Computer Requirements
    3. Printing from the CD
    4. Adapting the PowerPoint Slides
    5. Showing the PowerPoint Presentations
  17. For Further Reading
  18. About the Authors

Product information

  • Title: New Supervisor Training
  • Author(s): John E. Jones, Chris W. Chen
  • Release date: May 2002
  • Publisher(s): Association for Talent Development
  • ISBN: 156286324X