
When I was in college, what really interested me was how people functioned and did things. Why were some people successful and others not? How could success be duplicated? Why did some people think one, while others thought a different way? As a result, I majored in psychology but was very disappointed in what I was taught because the predominant model of the day was behaviorism. This meant that you studied patterns of stimulation and reward to understand behavior. The net result was to develop a set of rules that said “if you did this form of stimulation, you get that sort of response.” I wasn't impressed applying this theory to laboratory rats. Later, after getting my undergraduate degree, I worked with mentally challenged children and found that it worked even less effectively.

As a result, I decided to get my doctoral degree in biological psychology. I'd get around behaviorism and learn how the brain actually worked. But what I got was more of the same. You stimulate this part of the brain and you get this response. You cut out that part of the brain and you eliminate this sort of behavior. Again, I wasn't impressed.

My breakthrough came when I began to study neurolinguistic programming (NLP), which I call the science of modeling. It enabled me to model such things as successful trading, how to develop a system to fit you, how to position size to meet your objectives, and even the wealth process. It's been a fascinating journey.

One of the things that I learned very ...

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