Example of a named entity recognition

  IOB  tagging system is one of the convention for NER.

The IOB Tagging system contains tags of the form:

  • B-{CHUNK_TYPE}: for the word in the Beginning chunk
  • I-{CHUNK_TYPE}: for words Inside the chunk
  • OOutside any chunk
  • B-PERSON : Person Entity
  • B-GPE : Geopolitical Entity

Th following text shows example of a names entities in a sentence:

John    has lived in Britain  for    14        years   . B-PERSON O    O    O B-GPE     O B-CARDINAL I-CARDINAL O

However, it is quite challenging due to two reasons:

  • Entity databases are often incomplete (given the number of new organizations being established)
  • The same phrase can refer to a different entity (or none entity) depending on the context

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