Chapter 23

Network Performance Anxiety

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding performance problems

arrow Looking at bottlenecks

arrow Developing a procedure for solving performance problems

arrow Monitoring performance

arrow Implementing other tips for speeding up your network

The term network performance refers to how efficiently the network responds to users’ needs. Obviously, any access to resources that involves the network is slower than similar access that doesn’t involve the network. For example, opening a Word document that resides on a network file server takes longer than opening a similar document that resides on the user’s local hard drive. However, it shouldn’t take much longer. If it does, you have a network performance problem.

This chapter is a general introduction to the practice of tuning your network so that it performs as well as possible. Keep in mind that many specific bits of network tuning advice are scattered throughout this book. In this chapter, you can find some specific techniques for ...

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