


The s_time command can be used to connect to SSL-enabled servers and measure the performance of the OpenSSL library’s implementation of the SSL protocol.


-cipher cipher

Specify the cipher to use. Use the ciphers command to obtain a list of acceptable ciphers.

-time seconds

Specify the maximum number of seconds to collect timing information. If this option is omitted, the default is 30 seconds.


Run the timing test using non-blocking I/O.


Run the timing test using SSLv2 only.


Run the timing test using SSLv3 only.


Enable SSL bug compatibility.


Run the timing test for new connections only.


Run the timing test for connection reuse.

-verify depth

Enable verification of peer certificates up to the specified depth.

-cert filename

Specify the name of a file containing the certificate to use. The certificate is expected to be in PEM format.

-key filename

Specify the name of a file containing the private key to use. The key is expected to be in PEM format.

-CAfile filename

Specify the name of a file containing one or more trusted certificates in PEM format that will be used to verify the peer certificate.

-CApath directory

Specify the name of a directory containing trusted certificates that will be used to verify the peer certificate. Each file in the directory should be named with the certificate issuer name’s hash value and an extension of “.0”. Only one certificate should be present in each file.

-connect host:port

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