Exploit Techniques

In addition to different categories of SQL injection exploits, there are also different exploit techniques and methodologies. Each method has benefits and drawbacks and can be performed in only certain scenarios. Our exploit engine will use the two basic techniques discussed in the next two subsections to perform exploits.

Error-based SQL injection

The most basic technique for exploiting SQL injection uses database error messages to determine the query’s structure and to build a vulnerability exploit request. Error-based SQL injection is relatively easy to detect by the database-level error messages disclosed by the application. These error messages, when available to the attacker, are very useful when constructing a working exploit. They provide an easy aid for developing a syntactically correct exploit request. An attacker who is intimately familiar with the various error messages returned by different database servers can often obtain all the necessary information required to exploit the vulnerability through these messages. Unfortunately, due to the large number of different error messages a given database server generates, automated exploits relying on these messages are more prone to error, because even different versions of the same database server can return different messages under the same scenarios. Most commercial application-level scanners (such as SPI Dynamics’ WebInspect and Sanctum’s AppScan), and even the scanner we developed in the previous chapter, ...

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