Example 8-9 contains the full source for the script.

Example 8-9. Code for


use strict;

if ($#ARGV < 0) { 
 die "Usage: $0 LogFile\n"; 

open(IN, "< $ARGV[0]") or die"ERROR: Can't open file $ARGV[0].\n";  

# Change the input record separator to select entire log entries
$/ = "=" x 54; 
my @logData = <IN>;

# Loop through each request and parse it
my ($request,$logEntry, @requests);
foreach $logEntry (@logData) {

 # Create an array containing each line of the raw request
 my @logEntryLines = split(/\n/, $logEntry);

 # Create an array containing each element of the first request line
 my @requestElements = split(/ /, $logEntryLines[1]);
 # Only parse GET and POST requests
 if ($requestElements[0] eq "GET" || $requestElements[0] eq "POST" ) {
  if ($requestElements[0] eq "GET" ) {
   print $requestElements[0]." ".$requestElements[1]."\n";

  # POST request data is appended after the question mark
  if ($requestElements[0] eq "POST" ) {
   print $requestElements[0]." ".$requestElements[1]."?".$logEntryLines[-2]."\n";
 } # End check for GET or POST
} # End loop for input file entries

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