Compiling and Testing hidepid

To test the module, use the following makefile:

obj-m += hidepid.o

Compile using the following make command:

[notroot]$ make -C /usr/src/linux-`uname -r` SUBDIRS=$PWD modules

Test the module by executing ps to list the sleep process we initiated earlier:

[notroot]$ ps a | grep 4781
4781 tty1  S      0:00 sleep 999999
6545 tty1  R      0:00 grep 4781

Insert the module:

[root]# insmod ./hidepid.ko

Now, the sleep process is no longer visible:

[notroot]$ ps a | grep 4781
6545 tty1  R      0:00 grep 4781

Remember to remove the module when done:

[root]# rmmod hidepid

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