Symptom Code

As the name of the approach implies, insecure coding practices or techniques that result in web application vulnerabilities are called symptoms or, more specifically, symptom code . To avoid confusion, the terms symptom code and vulnerability are defined as follows:

Symptom code

Insecure code or coding practices which often lead to exposures or vulnerabilities in web applications. A symptom is not necessarily exploitable. A particular symptom can lead to single or multiple vulnerabilities.


An exploitable symptom that allows an attacker to manipulate the application in a fashion that was not intended by the developer.

Table 6-2 provides a list of example symptoms and the potential vulnerabilities/attacks that stem from them. This list assumes the reader is already familiar with common web application vulnerabilities and attacks.

Table 6-2. Symptoms of common web application vulnerabilities/attacks



Dynamic SQL

SQL injection

Dangerous functions

Buffer overflows

Methods for executing commands

Command injection

File I/O methods

Arbitrary filesystem interaction (i.e., creation/deletion/modification/reading of any file)

Writing inline request objects

Cross-site scripting

Cookie access methods

Broken access control

Hardcoded plain-text passwords

Unauthorized access, information leakage

The presence of a symptom doesn’t guarantee the code has a particular vulnerability. Once you identify a symptom, you need to analyze the ...

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