Setting Up the Bug

MnoGoSearch for Unix is an open source search engine software project. The primary interface to search the backend metadata is the C program search.cgi. In August 2003, a stack-based buffer overflow was discovered in version 3.1.20 of the CGI program when handling an overly large value for the wf GET parameter. By examining some of the affected code snippets from the search.c source code file, we can study the origin of the problem. In the interest of saving space, we’ve removed the irrelevant lines and put in line numbers for cross-referencing the original source code.

544  static int PrintOneTemplate(UDM_AGENT * Agent,UDM_DOCUMENT * Doc,char * 
Target,char *s,int where,int ntempl){
902                          if(!strncmp(s,"wf",2)){
903                                  sprintf(UDM_STREND(Target),"%s",wf?wf:"");
904                                  s++;
905                          }else

The UDM_STREND macro finds the end of the string—in this case, Target—which is one of the function’s parameters. Then the wf buffer—which comes directly from user-controllable input—is appended to the end of the Target buffer using the sprintf( ) nonbounds checking function. A stack-based buffer overflow can occur when Target is a static-size character buffer declared on the stack. Reviewing the rest of the source code reveals an instance of the ideal conditions for exploitation:

1125 static int PrintOption(UDM_AGENT * Agent,char * Target,int where,char * option){ 1126 UDM_TAG tag; 1127 char *s; 1128 int len; 1129 char tmp[UDMSTRSIZ]=""; ... 1142 PrintOneTemplate(Agent,NULL,tmp,option,where,0); ...

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