outdated.db for the nikto_outdated Plug-in

The nikto_outdated plug-in, as the name suggests, checks the version of the web server as given by the Server: header to determine if it is outdated. It does this by comparing the retrieved banner to the versions in the outdated.db file. It’s important to note that web servers vary in terms of how they announce themselves in the Server: header. It’s easy for us to see that Apache/1.3.26-WebDav and apache-1.3.26 php/4.3.1 represent the same version of the Apache web server, but it’s challenging for the scanner to see this. The nikto_outdated plug-in tries to take a best guess as to what the separators are (a space, /, -, etc.) and then translates alphabetic characters to their equivalent ASCII ordinals (as in the debug output a few paragraphs down).

The syntax of outdated.db is as follows:

[Web Server Banner], [Current Version], [Display Message]

"Apache/","Apache/2.0.47","@RUNNING_VER appears to be outdated (current is at least
    @CURRENT_VER). Apache 1.3.28 is still maintained and considered secure."

The first entry is the string the plug-in matches on to determine if the current line’s checks should be run. The second entry is the version of the web server that is considered up-to-date. The third entry is the message displayed if the version is outdated. The @RUNNING_VER and @CURRENT_VER tokens will be replaced with the strings that their names suggest.

The logic flow of the plug-in is best illustrated by putting the program in debug mode ...

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