Adding Service Signatures to Nmap

Recent versions of the popular port scanner Nmap can detect the type and version of services running on a network, as illustrated in Example 3-2.

Example 3-2. Example Nmap version scan

>nmap -sV  

Starting nmap 3.50 ( ) at 2003-07-05 17:12 EDT
Interesting ports on localhost (
(The 1658 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
22/tcp open  ssh     OpenSSH 3.8.1p1 (protocol 2.0)

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.104 seconds

This scan is implemented as a series of probes and responses in the file nmap-service-probes . This file defines the probes that will be sent to the service to elicit some response, as well as a series of regular expressions against which to match responses to determine which services are running and, where possible, their versions.

At a high level, the version-scanning methodology follows this process:

  • If the port is a TCP port, connect to it and listen. This is called the NULL probe. Many services will return a banner on connection. If a match is made, processing stops.

  • If no match is given, or if the protocol is UDP, probes defined in the nmap-service-probes file will be attempted if the protocol and the port ranges in the file match. If a response matching a probe is found, processing stops. If a soft match occurs (whereby a service is recognized, but not its type or version), follow-on probes will be limited to relevant ...

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